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Interfaith CommUNITY leads people to live a healthy, prosperous and meaningful life by teaching the principles of Truth taught and exemplified by all the Master Teachers. We believe all people are created with sacred worth. As an open-minded community, we welcome all races, religions spiritual beliefs and lifestyles that embrace a peaceful co-existence in the world.
We accept all donations in the spirit of gratitude and joy.
Sunday Service: 10:30 AM
February 16th
Love More
“It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”
1st Corinthians 13:5
Meeting ID: 491 140 7207
Password: 447226
Please join us every night at 8:00 PM
from wherever you are.
(We do not meet on Zoom
for 8:00 prayer).
Our world invites this action. We join as CommUNITY with the Christ Mind.
Share love energy with the world,
people of the world!
Share love, joy, happiness, and healing and true abundance for the World!
(Visualize the energy for 1 minute, see the world healthy and whole)
A Course in Miracles Study Groups
Tuesday, 6:30 PM
Wednesday: 1:00 PM
Wednesday, February 12th
6:30 PM (MT)
Chaplain Karen Johnson
Last Sundays on ZOOM: 12 noon
DAN (Differently Abled Network)
Dr. Danita Applewhite
Meeting ID: 858 6452 8256
Passcode: 248781
Personal and Spiritual Growth is the foundation for Interfaith CommUNITY
Reverends Julianne Lewis and Manny Aroz
are New Thought Ministers who recognize many spiritual paths.
Our Prayer Ministry includes Unity Prayer Chaplains and lay people committed to the confidential support of our CommUNITY and all who ask for prayer.
Our Music Ministry is comprised of a talented group of professional and semi-professional musicians. We are grateful their time and the gift of music that week after week enriches our service and quite literally, “lifts us in song”.
Weddings, Commitment Ceremonies, Holy Unions, Christening, Baptism, Baby Naming, Welcoming Ceremonies, Home Blessings, and Memorials are among the many of our Sacred Ceremonies.
Join Us. for a rich variety of events that include ACIM Study Groups, Inspirational Workshops, Spiritual Cinema, Interfaith Forum,
Concerts and more.